Friday, August 19, 2016

Master VIP - Fly For Sky

1st of all, i want to thank cr1tsh1tz, the one that 'not too good in English' and the one that invite me to RenegadesX.
after all, i look into myself, i'm social gamer type.. i like to having chit chat, to all of the player.
if they are good to me, then i will good to them too. i just hate Beggar.. you know beggar? they ask for Perin, and any item (any strong item too, if the beggar so fuck up).

i feel comfortable when i socialize than hunting, farming, upgrading weapon armor, making item, raising pet, and leveling.

but i realize, in order to having conversation with strangers, i need to be level max, so they dont mistaken me as beggar, i need to use good item so they notice me as not newbie, yeah something like that.
*sigh* so hard to write something down in English.. since my English not so good, so i try to find easy word to describe my feeling about FFS + RenegadesX + Master VIP here.. *please calm down Elsa*

okay! let's start it again.
RenegadesX is a guild name. an active guild at that time. the leader name is VIP, the one that i call Master till now. i want to describe how lucky i am, i meet him only in game, but he is super ultra kind to me.
At that time, i'm an active player too. i play almost full day, from morning till morning again hahah, just being a 'Standby Player'.. 
if u didn't know what does it mean, i would very pleased to inform you, 'Standby Player' means.............. DOING NOTHING just online, not AFK, staying in town, having chat with stranger, answering newbie question, giving item to newbie and singing... *singing only happen when boredom strikes*
and guess what? i love being standby player wkwkwk

BTW, i rarely using "wkwkwk" in FFS because "wkwkwk" address me as Indonesian so much.. only Indonesian laugh like that... IDK too what happen to this world..

Okay, we continue on Master's Story..
one day when i reach level 185, i can wear the Sky High type armor, so i check at the guild warehouse. there are some of that armor. so i ask Master VIP if i could bought that Sky High Set. IDK the set price, i dont have so much money back then, i just didn't like someone else look me down like beggar, i never ask for item, i never ask for perin, i offer to buy them. 
but lucky me.. Master seen me as special player, he said that i chat with him and i didnt ask anything, he told me that i'm different from other player, how can i didnt ask anything from him??? OMG... maybe i'm so stupid hahaah.. NO.. i just play this game for happiness, not for asking item, being strong and rich after that being the most famous player << it's really not me.

Master told me that he decide something. he want me to be strong so other player can respect me. (lucky me)
He help me to leveling till 190, i use the set of his character and doing the Hardcore Leveling, i'm so glad that he trust me, he lent me his precious set... aaaaa i'm touched.. i gave him my ID and Pass just in case, he didnt fully trust me with those items. or just in case the server down, we lost contact, and i cant give them back... yeah... i always think about worst case.

one day... he told me that he cant play anymore, he need to back to his work.
i ask him why... he need to focus in real life, he said.
my heart broke.. i wanna cry. seems like i left behind..
yeah i need to admit that i admire him a lot, we understand each other in no time, he is my mentor till now (also in real life)
*sigh, it's only a game but i fell much into it*
what makes me worry is : i dont have any of his contact (like FB or messenger)

and that day comes................
he leave me Mail in game.. he congratulate me for being a new Guild Leader.
fuck... my hand was shaking that time... "Master, what have you done to me?"
i'm happy because he trust me a lot... A LOT.. more than i can trust myself.
he told me to handle the guild, to be strong, to be good, etc.
but my heart broke again for the second time, he really leave!! aaaaa... and still i dont have his contact >.< i hate you, Master.

we had a conversation about facebook long ago before he left..
Asle : Master, you never ask my for facebook, why? you are so different from other player, when i introduce myself as a girl, they ask my FB.
VIP : (i forget what exactly he said, but it sounds like this) i separate game life and real life, so i dont need to know people's facebook

when i read his thoughts about FB, i'm dying hahahahha.. because i really curious, how does he look like, and at least we had contact
*in my imagination* "hey Elsa, Let's play at 6pm, see yaaa in game"

When handling the guild, i'm having hard time to communicate with the members, because i'm the only one Indo, and the rest is Pinoy, they prefer to chat using tagalog, and that's why i cant understand them.. hard time, really hard time for me.
BTW........... my character is super strong, remember that i tell my ID and Pass to Master? he open mine, and put all best item for me, leave me with perins and many other things. so to fill those hard time, i hunt to be stronger and so i can help newbie, i need to help them, because Master help me a lot.

after a couple months... i see little window pop up on the screen *ting*
it says "VIP Online"... and you know what??? my hand shake and some sweat has been added.... *thump thump thump* "Master is that you?" and then he offline again, maybe he was having hard time to online, connection matter.
i'm afraid, will he remember me? will he still like before to me? ah... i process to shut down my laptop. and the next couple day i cant come to the game *idk, i forget the reason already*

one of the guild member named Gunako, tell me on FB that VIP has come back... i regret i cant online at that time. Gunako also tell me that VIP ask him for my FB.
huh?? is that really him? he ask for my fb? why?
so i ask Gunako, what is his name on FB? Ryu Kenjutsu it is :>

  • Elsa Tirta Putri
    05/11/2015 10:54
  • Ryu Kenjutsu
    05/11/2015 10:58
    Ryu Kenjutsu


    how are you
  • Elsa Tirta Putri
    05/11/2015 10:59
    Elsa Tirta Putri

    Yeayy.. master.. i'm good..

    How bout you?
  • Ryu Kenjutsu
    05/11/2015 10:59
    Ryu Kenjutsu

    when are you comming back ingame?

    im good.. just came back coz i dont like the ship i was onboard
    • Elsa Tirta Putri
      05/11/2015 11:01
      Elsa Tirta Putri

      Uhmm.. the game keep lagging and delaying every now and then. I was off almost 2weeks. Because of the internet too..

      Are you get dizzy while on board? Lol

      So what are you doing for job now?
    • Ryu Kenjutsu
      05/11/2015 11:04
      Ryu Kenjutsu

      hehe im in a hot sit

      delay and lag exise when the spooky box event started i guess
    • Elsa Tirta Putri
      05/11/2015 11:05
      Elsa Tirta Putri

      Lol yes every player online for Afk thing..
    • Ryu Kenjutsu
      05/11/2015 11:05
      Ryu Kenjutsu

      no im not xD.. if you know the typhoon yolanda i am survivor...the ship i was onboard sink during the typhoon^^

      well my afk thing is better^^

      and im jobless now.. hehe my income is from the rice field im farming.,..
  • Elsa Tirta Putri
    05/11/2015 11:06
    Elsa Tirta Putri

    Wth? Survivor? Omg.. and u didnt sink? Seriously you are good?
  • Ryu Kenjutsu
    05/11/2015 11:06
    Ryu Kenjutsu

    yes i am a survivor
  • Elsa Tirta Putri
    05/11/2015 11:06
    Elsa Tirta Putri

    OMG.. cant believe
  • Ryu Kenjutsu
    05/11/2015 11:06
    Ryu Kenjutsu

    im not kidding...
  • Elsa Tirta Putri
    05/11/2015 11:07
    Elsa Tirta Putri

    Master u owe me long story then..
  • Ryu Kenjutsu
    05/11/2015 11:07
    Ryu Kenjutsu

    i had my life vest and a coconut... that saved me..

    hehe i will

    but you need to log in first

    im sure you can make a blog after i tell you my story

:> See that Master? i'm on Blog today, LOL

do u know what comes to my mind?
i feel so relieve that i got Master's contact. and maybe my evil mind declare that i dont care if Master come back to the game or not, as long as i got his contact, there is no more issue.
i can ask him anything through FB, and i'm having great time since then.
we got so many story to tell :>

idk what kind of friendship it is, but i feel so good about this Long Distance Friendship. feels like true friend + sincere leader + trusted mentor = Master VIP

Master, i would like to thank you for everything you do, for every trust you give.
that means a lot to me.


this is the hardest post on my blog EVER.....
why english? i want him to see what i feel nyahahaha...

in the end, sorry for my lack of vocab, sorry for bad grammar, sorry for being evil. thanks !

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